Pathology of the Social Protection System against Unemployment in the Iranian Legal System

Document Type : Original Article


PhD candidate of General Law; Faculty of Law; Theology and Political Science; Science & Research Branch; Tehran Azad University.


Definition: The social protection system against unemployment consists of two systems of unemployment insurance and unemployment assistance. Although the objective of both systems is to protect people against unemployment, but those are different in some aspects such as: guiding principles, model of financing, method of assistance to the unemployed, and their effectiveness. Utilizing both systems is necessary to protect people against unemployment, and international instruments recommend both of them to address the issue.
Objective: Given the expanded level of unemployment in Iran and the deep socio- cultural problems caused by unemployment, this study seeks to pathology the social protection system against unemployment, and to provide corrective solutions to carry out the necessary reforms.
Research Method: This research was carried out by descriptive and analytical methods, and the library method was used to collect resources.
Conclusion: Unfortunately, the insurance principles on unemployment benefit payment are not complied and enforced in many cases, despite the stipulation of the unemployment insurance law on and its regulations. Currently, the unemployment insurance system has a heavy burden of unemployment protection, and the government does not even pay its portion of the insurance contribution to the social security system. As regards the unemployment assistance system, it is important to notice the point that the unemployment social assistance is practically limited to the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee, and the State Welfare Organization of Iran, despite the provisions of Comprehensive Social Protection System Act.
