Challenge of Specialization in Social Security Organization of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Sociology, Instructor of Cultural Study Group, Human Science Faculty, University of Culture and Science, (Corresponding Author)

2 PhD candidate of Sociology, Allameh Tabataba'i University


Objective: Technocracy and specialization are phenomena that are inevitable for the management of complex modern life. Modern governments, including the government of Iran, have taken technocratic measures to ensure the survival and legitimacy of society - such as the establishment of social insurance and social security organization. However, this organization is now facing a challenge from a technocratic point of view. This study, which was conducted with the theoretical approach of the government in society (Migdal), besides paying attention to the specificity of the issue in Iran,                     has sought to understand and explain this challenge.
Method: The research is based on method of grounded theory. Data was also collected through documentation and interviews, and the analysis was done qualitatively.
Findings and Results: The results show that the challenge is related to internal and external organizational factors (other parts of the Executive Power and Government) both at present time as well as the previous decades of modern government evolution in Iran. In addition, the various branches of modern government, including the social security organization, are not necessarily aligned – whether in terms of the ups and downs of the technocracy challenge, or pursuing their own goals and interests.
