Provide a framework for redesigning the outsourcing structure of Social Security Organization IT plans

Document Type : Original Article


Researcher at Mehrpajoh Social Innovation Research Institute



Continuous technological changes, especially the emergence of technologies such as big data, blockchain, cloud computing, and internet of objects (or internet of things) besides the development of new approaches such as large in supply chain management to respond to potential crises as well as project delays, regulatory constraints, structural, legal and environment issues such as resilience, invincibility, dynamic capabilities, and the use of startup capacity will oblige the Social Security Organization to redesign the outsourcing structure of its IT plans.
Objective: The purpose of this study is to redesign the structure and executive mechanisms of outsourcing IT plans of the Social Security Organization, to explain the current situation, the pathology of the process of outsourcing IT plans, to provide the desired model and executive proposals.
Method: In this research, a combination of documentary study methods, phenomenology, review research, narrative and reminder writing; and for pathology, three-pronged models, SWOT and PESTEL have been used. In providing solutions, a multi-layered approach, Mana system as well as international guidelines such as ISSA Guidelines on ICT have been used. The target population is IT experts, and the snowball model sampling method is used. Data collection was done through library studies and interviews with IT outsourcing experts and comparative studies.
Findings and Results: Based on the pathology and using the methods and experiences of the studied devices, executive and practical suggestions such as providing the desired model of the project outsourcing process, compiling circulars and procedures, updating trading and financial regulations, supporting startups, educational proposals, and the area of ​​contracts, explaining the competencies of outsourcing agents, offers for management consulting company and machine service supply, etc. were provided.
