Delicensing in the public service sector with the aim of promoting the business environment with emphasis on Article 37 of the Social Security Law

Document Type : Original Article


Law Faculty of Shahid Beheshti University



De-licensing with the aim of improving the business environment, especially in starting a business, is a part of the de-regulation process that has been proposed for a long time in Iran, but despite the legal stipulation, the de-licensing process has not been successful. Also, despite the legal emphasis on delicensing in the public service sector, the relevant institutions have not paid attention to the role of public service provider organizations in issuing licenses and its impact on the business environment. By focusing on the certificates issued by the social security organization and explaining the problems caused by it, among the economic units, this research provides alternative implementation solutions, without ignoring the rights of the insured and giving absolute and unilateral protection. This research is looking for a regulation in this area, which does not necessarily mean amending or removing the act as the easiest solution, but the goal is to use alternatives with soft and efficient rules which minimizes the possibility of abuse of authority by the social security organization.
