Examining the Development Program Law in line  of sight the rules and regulations of the Social Security Organization

Document Type : Original Article


1 Employee of the Social Security Organization

2 Employee of social security organization



 Objective: The review and review of development laws by professors, experts and lawyers can draw a bright perspective of what is meant by the correct principles of writing the law, and such a factor will certainly lead the way in writing the future development law.
 Method: This research is the result of using the analytical-descriptive method, and the method of collecting information is library and using different sources, including the laws of the country's development program.
Findings and conclusions: By examining and commenting on the law of the development program in the light of the laws and regulations of the social security organization, the basic criteria of the provisions of the law of the development program were explained.  The law of the basic development program should have clear demands, specific goals, specific strategies, specific timing, measurement criteria, evaluation indicators, and quantitative tables.  It should also be in line with the upstream documents (constitutional law, vision document, general policies of the system) and not permanent in nature.  In addition, it can be implemented within the time frame of the program, according to the available resources and combined with the financial burden of the approvals, and the possibility of creating a structural connection with the annual budgets, clear, explicit and unambiguous words and direct reference to the executive body responsible for implementation, supervisory mechanisms.  specify and guarantee effective implementation.
