The impact of electronic social security services on employee empowerment and the satisfaction of the insured with the mediating role of improving the quality of employees' working life (Study of social security branches in Shiraz)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Fars Social Security Organization: Iran

2 Tamin Ejtmae

3 Tamin ejtmae



Social security e-services strongly influence the way work and personal time are combined in the employee's perspective. Digital tools have become a big part of daily personal life, by creating information technology platforms and performing work activities, in this way, employees can be more efficient and flexible.
Method: In this research, using a questionnaire to measure the research variables by the sample, the employees of the social security branches of Shiraz were surveyed, and then through the Smartpls3 software, the data and the effect of the variables were analyzed using the method of structural equation model and path analysis. .
Findings: Based on the path analysis of the conceptual model of e-services research, project (3070) has had a significant effect on improving the quality of life (β=645) and empowering employees (β=607). The indirect effect of e-services on social security through mediation Improving the quality of life on employee empowerment (β=392) is significant and the explained coefficient of employee empowerment is (R2/662), while employee empowerment (β=503) has a significant impact. It pays attention to the satisfaction of the insured with variance (R2/253).
Results: This study formulates new insights by defining the role of social security organization's electronic services in enriching the quality of life at work and the strategies that social security managers can use to empower their employees, allow effective technological support and create an atmosphere of mutual trust to achieve them. in providing
