A Survey on the Verdicts Issued by the Administrative Justice Court In terms of the SSO Contribution Collection and Obligations

Document Type : Original Article


1 MA in Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Science and Culture, Employee of the Social Security Organization (Corresponding Author) mr.varasteh@outlook.com

2 MSc in Statistics, Employee of the Social Security Organization

3 MSc in Nanophysics, Employee of the Social Security Organization,

4 MA in Public Administration, Employee of the Social Security Organization


Objective: Explaining the methods of preventing complaints on contribution collection and obligations of Social Security Organization requires reviewing and analyzing the existing complaints and verdicts issued by the Court of Administrative Justice as well as the procedure governing the principles and its related issues. The primary and appellate branches of the Court of Administrative Justice are a reflection of the current practice of governing the SSO insurance collection and obligations.
Method: This research is the result of using analytical-descriptive method, while collecting information was done through librarian method besides using different sources such as verdicts issued by the Court of Administrative Justice.
Findings and Conclusion: In this study, the issued complaints and verdicts against Social Security Organization have been reviewed. One of the most important reasons for filing complaints is the applicants’ lack of knowledge about current rules and laws on the SSO insurance collection and obligations. And one of the most important reasons for the verdicts issued against the SSO is the rhetorical interpretation of the law by judges, the incompatibility of law with the executive requirements, and the judges' disregard to the SSO legal authorities.
